Coronavirus: Is there a loosening of restrictions after Easter?

The initial restrictions were in crisis at the beginning of the Corona-up to the 19. April recognized. The hope to an easing of the Corona pads after Easter, is actually?

The facts show that despite all the imposed contact restrictions, the Corona-infection numbers and deaths continue to increase in numbers.

In Germany, more than 2000 people died who were infected with the Virus are now. (Status: 09.04.2020) Within 24 hours, the number of documented infections has increased by more than 5000 – the high-phase is expected in mid-April.

The Numbers speak for themselves, but there are already voices that are in favour of easing.

Hamburger Practitioner argues for a loosening

The head of the clinic for intensive medicine at the University hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Stefan Kluge, has recommended a relaxation of the Corona pads in April.

“I think that April is definitely here, an easing has to be done,” he said on Thursday at a press conference. You have to make that very metered, but “you have to slowly start”.

As a precise Exit strategy should look like, could vary from Bundersland to state.

The Minister presidents of the Länder and the Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, want to Easter on the Wednesday after (15. April) in a telephone conference on the further procedure to replace.

Coronavirus: The latest facts

1. EU-Commission for a long entry stop

The far-reaching stop the Entry into the European Union according to the EU Commission by 15. May extended are.

This is the Brussels authority suggested on Wednesday.

The decision can, however, take in each country. To contain the Coronavirus pandemic, all the EU had in mid-March States agreed with the exception of Ireland, as well as Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland that are not absolutely necessary to travel in the EU, in the first 30 days limit.

2. It will be hoarded less toilet paper and pasta

The sale of toilet paper fell in the past week, dramatically. For the first time since the beginning of the Corona-crisis, he was below the average for the previous six months, according to the Federal Statistical office on Wednesday.

It is almost a third less toilet paper had been sold as a normal.

For comparison: In the week before the sales volume was around 50 per cent over the Six-month average. A similar trend was also evident in the case of other products, which had been hoarded: So the sales volume of noodles were only 2 percent of rice, 12 per cent above the average for the previous six months.

3. Keeps the German economy in the crisis?

The Corona-crisis from the point of view of leading economic researchers to a severe recession – Germany, but be well prepared to get through.

Chief Ifo Timo Wollmershäuser said that Germany will bring in a good position to cope with the economic slump and to achieve in the medium term, the economic level, the result would have been without the crisis.

According to the forecast of the leading economic research institutes the German economy is set to contract this year by 4.2 percent. This would be the most severe recession since the financial and economic crisis more than ten years ago. For 2021, the institutes predict a recovery and a growth of 5.8 per cent.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Andra Schmidt

*The article “Coronavirus: Is there a loosening of restrictions after Easter?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.