Please keep a safe distance to: device-Kiss because of the Corona measures in disrepute?

If the fear of the droplets bypasses, also experienced the kiss of a lull.

From air kisses to welcome you to the passionate tongue kiss, in times of distance and protective masks do not remember – at least among those who do not live together.

Many may notice only now how very you this kind of closeness is missing. Others may well waive kiss. And many a is now clear: how to properly hygienically the kiss is.

You will not kiss her ever again carefree someone you know too well? And will greet people with kisses on the cheek? In short: the kiss an Image Problem?

If Kiss against the Corona violating the rules

In Italy, the country of the “Baci” – advised in the beginning of March, the scientific advisers of the government to abandon the citizens because of the Corona spread to the traditional welcome kiss.

After the measures have been relaxed a little, and the people must now meet again out of the house and family members, were also seen secretly kissing couple.

The also want to prevent the Austrians Shortly before the Opening of the gastronomy there, health Minister Rudi Anschober (greens) made it clear in an Interview that Kissing in Public was in breach of the existing rules.

It could give a concrete kiss-recommendations in Germany? The Robert Koch Institute, refers to the rule, continue to hold at least 1.5 Meter distance from other people and carry in certain situations, in addition to a mouth-nose cover.

“From the hands is not recommended to shake,” it says on request. To peck and Co is not thinking.

Heike Melzer, specialist in neurology and sex therapist in Munich, sees opportunities for other greeting rituals.

Kiss, kiss, handshake, hug, bow – all are culturally ritualized forms of contact in order to signal its Opposite: “I see you, I appreciate you, I like you, I come on a peaceful Mission.”

A hygienic Problem, the outside of the pandemic was not – by the way, rather. Heartfelt hugs and kisses are more likely to contribute to the strengthening of the immune system.

New greeting rituals due to Coronavirus

However, In other cultures the greeting works without contact, even in this country we could get used to quite it, says Melzer.

“If we agree as a culture, new rituals, and our Opposite can read, then a value estimation can a verb be at the end of grouting, such as in the Asian region to be at least as appreciative as the Kissing of strangers.”

The acting by the way, in some cultures, but very strange, and getting used to.

Not so keen on Kissing The Prince were, at least at the beginning of the 1990s. The Band from Leipzig ended up with “Kissing Forbidden” a Hit.

“But there is one thing I can not stand at all – come on, your wet lips close to me,” sang Sebastian Krumbiegel and colleagues at the time. “Kissing is forbidden, strictly forbidden.”

Many Austrians are now expected to get back to a catchy tune: After the health Minister had commented in an Interview to the kiss rules, made in the case of Twitter and the Hashtag #kiss forbidden the round.

Couples who live together do not have the distance problem – even in the passionate Kiss. Otherwise, it goes to those who have perhaps just met someone, or a long-distance relationship.

The Psyche is suffering perhaps under the Make-out rehab?

Waiting for the first kiss to the Corona

“While Kissing is not only the mouth but also the heart and the soul opens,” says Melzer. For many people, the kiss was even more intimate than intercourse.

“Because with our control centre head see, hear, feel, taste and we smell and identify as quickly, who fits us and who is not.”

This is also a reason why long-term couples with chronic few problems adjusting at first, the Kiss. “If I can smell my Partner’, then the Kiss is getting increasingly heavier.”

Of an Image Problem but could not be the speech, says Melzer. “The kiss, there will always be, only we are to deal more consciously with him.”

What is rare and scarce, will all the more desire. Shutdown and reduction could be valuable.

“If you’ve been kissed a lot and a lot of, and it is now due to the pandemic for months and months not to do – then the first kiss will be a treat.”

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

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