Lose weight with weight training: Three Exercises from Personal Trainer

An hour of moderate endurance exercise, such as Jogging, will burn an average of 600 to 800 calories. Significantly more than training for strength and power: In the same time, you have burned only 400 to 600 calories.

"If the endurance training is completed, extinguishes the fire of the metabolism and the associated increased energy beendet&quot is needed;, explains Personal Trainer and physiotherapist Raoul Stiehler.

When strength training it was different. Why? For a very simple reason: Through a targeted and systematic strength training, the muscle cells are stimulated to growth. Here is the formula: the greater the muscle cell is, the higher your energy needs.

"And not just while we exercise, but also during the day at rest and even at night, when we schlafen", the Coach of the Hamburg Studios force pilot.

In other words: "Better-trained muscles are real energy guzzlers."

With this, the More muscles you have, every day, increased total sales, even on days when you don’t make it to the gym or for a Run in the Park.

Three strength exercises for losing weight

How do I train my muscles effectively to stimulate growth? Raoul Stiehler shows his Top 3 Exercises:

1. Forearm support

The forearm support is one of the most suitable Exercises to the core voltage target to initiate sure.

  • Place your elbows in line under the shoulders and keep your entire body like a plank.
  • Try to relax your gluteal muscles as well you manage. The focus should be, above all, to draw the belly button is active the direction of the spine.
  • As soon as you feel, you fall into a unnaturally strong hollow back, finish the Exercise early.
  • The goal is to keep this Exercise 4 sets of 45 seconds.

For Advanced users: If you are sure you can do more, you an additional weight (e.g. a barbell) on the area between your pelvis and your thoracic spine.

>> In our Planking Guide you can find 12 effective variations of this Exercise <<

2. Squats with the Kettlebell

An absolute "Must" in almost any training plan. You’re looking for a movement, you claim all of the muscles in your lower body at the same time can? You found it, because the squat is really a multi-talent.

With the squat you train your calf muscles, your thighs, front and back, as well as your gluteal muscles.

  • Stand a little wider than the step width.
  • Imagine that you sit with your back straight on a stool, the five meters behind you.
  • Breathe now, while you’re coming out of the squat back up from the controls, because you should be sure to prevent, during the Exercise, stop the air, as it can lead to an unnecessarily sharp rise in your blood pressure.
  • Go 12 Times as deep down as you can without losing erection in the back.

Advanced: Should you 12 repetitions of this Exercise with own body weight, to be easy to take in the following sentences (total of 4) additional weight to be added, so you can just to 12 reps to make it.

3. One-Arm Rowing

After we have worked with the knee flexion with both legs at the same time, it is now to concentrate sense the upper body on one Arm at the moment.

This has several reasons: For one, your Central nervous system can activate more muscle fibers and thus more force, when you work one-sided. In addition, it is an important feature for any athlete to dominate a good diagonal tension.

  • Stand a little wider than the step width.
  • The beginning of the flexion as the knee: You push the pelvis to the rear as you’d want you on the stool put. After about half of the distance is closing, and you verharrst in this Position.
  • Now is the time to keep both shoulders at the same height, so in the Lot. Also, make sure that your shoulder blades are consistently used on the spine.
  • Imagine the Kettlebell in your Hand is a saw, you want to a tree trunk by sawing. The elbow goes to the front and rear of the body.
  • Complete here 4 sets of 12 reps with a suitable weight, you can do just 12 reps.

About our experts

To relieve people from pain, looks up at Raoul Stiehler, as one of its main tasks. He’s trying his clients the natural movement pattern that is usually lost in adults, and to allow you the time without orthopedic surgeons.

After his training, first the dancers, then to the physiotherapist was not, he quickly realized that the prospect of a healthy future for the people in our society is spent with the physiotherapist, but on the rubber flooring in the fitness studios.

Therefore, he puts his professional focus to one hundred percent to the work as a Personal Trainer. His philosophy: the self-healing powers of man enable. And through movement.

Lisa Gutknecht

*The post “weight loss published with weight training: Three Exercises from the Personal Trainer” is of FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.