Full Power with Coach Kofi: 30 minutes full body Workout with Resistance Band

You can’t decide, whether you rather your strength or endurance you’d like to train? You need to also not necessarily. Instead, both of the goals for your training, with specific Workouts to optimally combine them.

The 30-minute full-body Workout with Coach Kofi offers you exactly this combination.

With an effective exchange between the different training blocks, he shows you how to exercise all muscle groups and at the same time your stamina will increase can – and by the way, there is still ample fat to melt.

All you need is a flexible and stretchable Resistance Band. Alternatively, you can also a simple Thera-Band and use the two Ends together and knot.

3 blocks of Training for maximum fat burning

What is the perfect workout for the whole body actually? It takes all the muscles of the body and creates new stimuli. In this Workout, both the muscle fibers for strength as well as endurance are required.

The Workout consists of a total of four training blocks. The first two power blocks to focus on your strength, while the cardio block trains your endurance. In the last Block, you bring your muscles in the correct orientation for the Burn.

As the Equipment you a training Mat and a stretchy Resistance or Thera were supposed to keep the Band ready, to be able to all the Exercises as the shoulder press to complete. The strength and intensity of your band, you can choose yourself – it is important that you do the Exercises correctly and controls can run.

The Power-Block

The first two power blocks, each consisting of two exercise combinations that include two Exercises, you do each for 20 and 40 seconds. Any combination you run for three passes.

1. Skater Hops Reverse Butterflys

Whether Skater Hops or Skater Lunges – for the first part of the exercise combination you’re a leg behind the other and leaves it in the direction of the sink to the bottom. For a complete failure is the step where you let the knee as far as possible to the ground.

You should go for the Hops to decide, you perform the Exercise is significantly more dynamic and changing by leaps and bounds between the two legs.

After 20 seconds the change – now, you grab your Resistance Band and stretch your arms forward. You should place the hands so wide that you can perform the Exercise control and clean.

In the case of the Reverse Butterflys, the focus is mainly on the shoulder girdle, therefore, you put your arms now at the side, so that you lead your shoulder blades together.

2. Push ups Shoulder Taps

For the second exercise combination, you have to go first in the pushup position and supports you, either on the knees or feet. Now you pay attention to the fact that you build up your body tension and controlled deck running support.

Try the whole of the load radius to take advantage of, in the your body as low as possible discharges.

For the Advanced: do the explosive Push Ups, in which you ask with your hands briefly off the ground.

Even if the chest burning muscles, it goes further – with the change in the second Exercise, you stay in the support position and touch the Sun, each with a Hand on the opposite shoulder. Make sure that you check your hip and stable holding, to claim only the abdominal muscles.

3. Squat Jumps Raises

If you want to have strong legs, should not shy away from this Exercise: squats. In the first Exercise you combine the Squats with a little jump. Place your feet hip width apart and perform a squat by moving your hips slightly to the rear of the slide.

Make sure your back stays the same throughout the execution of just. With the upward movement you are doing an explosive jump and land back in the starting position.

For the second Exercise, the combination of the Resistance Band comes back to the use – clamp it on the bottom of your feet and this hips. Grab the tape tight and stretch out your arms down.

Now you lift your arms diagonal to the body to strain the front shoulder muscles optimally – and all without a swing from the hip.

4. Thrusters, Banded Sidesteps

For the Thrusters, the Band can clamp under your feet. The Band grab shoulder-width apart and slide it over your chest, as you’d want to a training rod store. Your elbow should now be close to the Body.

Now you press the Resistance Band over your head and let it, in the backward movement slowly to your chest, around the shoulder muscles stretch as much as possible.

Now you switch on your leg muscles – your Band, you can continue to hold under your feet, but you cross it once and grab it from the top. Now you’re two hip width steps to the left and to the right. The Resistance Band ensures that the steps fall heavier and your legs must work against this resistance.

The Cardio Block

For the perfect combination of strength and endurance training of the cardio block follows – it consists of a total of three Exercises, you do each for 45 seconds. Between the Exercises, you can enjoy a 15-second break.

1. Plank Jumps

For the first endurance exercise, you put yourself in the plank position and blocks in your entire body tension. Now you spread your legs by leaps and bounds, and lead them back to each other.

Make sure that your back remains in spite of the dynamics just.

2. Burpees

Every athlete should know this intense full-body exercise: Burpees. From the Stand you move dynamically into the pushup position and put your legs, with a jump to the rear. But your feet touch the ground only for a brief Moment, until you wear and your entire body, raise your body.

As soon as you have to you completely, you’re doing a straight jump, and start again with the Burpees, even if you are pretty exhausting.

3. Crawl

For the crawl, you’re basing it again on your hands and put on the legs. Not trying to support yourself on your feet so that your knees touch the ground, but underneath your hip. Now you each have a Hand and the opposite foot one step forward. Overall, you’re doing three steps forward and backward.

4. Reverse Lunges

As a last Exercise, you’re in a particularly intense Variation of the lunges. For this purpose, you’re doing a normal lunge back and bring your knee as far as possible in the direction of the floor. However, in the backward movement, you pull your knees up to achieve a high level of stress in your buttocks.

The Burnout Block

The muscles should burn – in the last Block, it is once again: hold on. You perform three exercise combinations in which you switch to 30 seconds between a dynamic and static Exercise. In between each combination, you’re doing a 30-second break.

1. Rows Of Shoulder-High Hold

You start with the rowing and put you shoulder-width on your Resistance Band. Now you’re going slightly in the knees, put your hips back and paying attention back on a straight. The elbow moving to the rear, in order to achieve a contraction in the muscles of the back.

After 30 seconds, the change in the static Exercise – for this, you grab your belt and put your arms to your shoulder height. Your palms facing the ceiling. Now you’re trying to pull the Band apart and hold the Position to the maximum Radius.

2. Squats Squat Hold

Also from the leg muscles to squeeze the last energy, are now also the Squats on it. Place your feet hip width apart and perform a squat. You try to be as deep as possible without your back bends.

In addition, you should make sure that your knees glide to the inside, as it could otherwise lead to injuries.

For the second Exercise is the combination you finish the squats on the half of the radius of movement and are trying this Position for so long, to hold as possible, and then your legs should burn.

3.Mountain Climbers Crunch Reach

In the last exercise combination of your abdominal muscles are asked to: support yourself on your hands and pull your knees alternately in the direction of the chin. Attempts to perform the Exercise dynamically, to avoid straining your abdominal muscles optimally.

With the second Exercise, you lie on your back and stretch your legs upwards. To touch try with the hands, your toes, you lift your torso exclusively with the power from the abdominal muscles.

Michelle Steinmetz

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