Lose weight: get rid of the winter bacon

Für the Bikini body fit and slim are – this is probably currently one of the hämost common Vorsätze. What weight-loss strategies help? Experts examine Diät-tips

Studies say that those Who drink to a meal, more water, eat less

The Reißclosure of the favorite jeans goes. Sitting in the good St&uuml pinches;ck unpleasant, üabout the close of the Federal wöa Speckr&ouml lbt yourself;Jr:. No one must step on the scale to know: Üon winter days, I got a little. Now many want to say goodbye to this Ballast. Möas possible quickly. Möas possible straightforward. And möas possible permanently.

Diät-tips, there are a lot of. But what really bring something? The Ernämanagement consultant Monika Bischoff and the Ernäintroduction physician Johannes Erdmann take here are seven strategies for weight reduction under the magnifying glass, to melt away in a few weeks, two to three kilograms of Christmas bacon.

Calories save

Who will be Köbody weight want to reduce, you must consume more energy than he takes in through food and Drink – so much is certain. To get to the calorie deficit, there are three Möopportunities, whose success, according to a Üreview of a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine on lälonger view of the same is evaluated: less fat, low in carbohydrates, or a combination of both.

"Which strategy you prefer, it remains ultimately a matter of taste. The result vergleichbar&quot is;, Monika Bischoff from the centre f&uuml says;r Ernäintroduction medicine and Prävention at the hospital Barmherzige Brüin MüMunich. However, it is important enough Eiweiß to eat. A 60-kilogram woman should have 60 grams of Eiweiß to take per day – about a gram per Kilo of Köof the body weight. Bischoff: "You need to not have muscles to be long sick and für is the cell regeneration."

And how much energy you have to save now in order to lose weight? The obesity society recommends: "The Köto reduce body weight, there should be a reduction in a t&auml food;a major energy deficit of approximately 500 kilocalories, in Einzelfäalso qualify for a höhere, will be sought." In order for a weight loss of about 0.5 kg per week is expected.

A woman in the middle age, with a total turnover of, for example, 2000 calories – this is calculated from the basal metabolic rate in vödigit rest plus the energy, the für mental and köphysical Aktivitäten &ndash is consumed; düis believed to take on the day, about 1500 kilo calories in order to lose weight. Sporting Aktivität erhöht the total sales, so it comes easier in a calorie deficit. Tip: your individual total turnover köyou can on the Internet with the help of special calculator for an estimate.

On the top of the calories drives to save the so-called "Eat the Hälfte"- Diät (FdH). Although the pounds to zuverläcasual tumble, see Ernämanagement practitioner it is critical: "You verächange no habits. The learning effect is gering", Professor John Erdmann of the University of applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of applied Sciences says. Who after such a Maßtaking eating normal again, to build again fat reserves.

Intermittent Fasting

Dinner canceling, Slim in his sleep, the 5:2 method – so heißs strategies that to be seen in the Omission of the success. Either when you stroke a meal, for example, the energy density of bread meal in the evening. Or you eat füfive days it is normal to take two days to a maximum of 500 kilo calories. "In the end, it saves so calories. And this is fürs Remove the Entscheidende", Bischoff says. Lälonger breaks between meals have a außerdem güinexpensive on the metabolism of The blood sugar levels remain stable, the fat burning will not gestört.

Unlike the interval-fasting is not recommended according to our experts, the fasting cure. Because of those wanting to lose weight only Brühen and Säto take RTD, missing him, among other things, vital Eiweiße. The result: It comes to the breakdown of muscle mass. Bischoff warns: "Also, the heart muscle can be affected by this removal."

The Ernämanagement consultant, healing comes fast, therefore, only für completely fit and healthy people out of the question. However, permanent also in this method, the learning effect on the track, it will not be successful in converting the Ernäcurrency, the für is a long-term slimming success.

Drink plenty of water

Water erhöht is the volume in the stomach and will cause that we will feel full faster. Those who drink to a meal of water, eat less automatically. The sets, for example, a recent U.S. study, according to their calculations each year, more than half a Million young people in the United States prior to Ümountain guy k&ouml be preserved;could, if in School Cafeterias free water dispenser positioned wüauthorities.

The drinking water strategy is to Remove doubts physician Johannes Erdmann: "Water lärunning through the stomach, after ten minutes, it is again draußen." It is true, however, that the Acute-Säa saturation effect due to stretching stimuli in the stomach. Sustainably sick of food therefore high in volume. "Gemüse, for example, is in the structure of the Packed Wasser", Monika Bischoff says.

Erdmann rät slimming agree, food with high energy density to replace it with less calorie-rich. So, for example, less bread and dafüto eat more potatoes. Bread enthält 230 calories per 100 grams, in the case of potatoes, there are only 70 calories.

Three instead of fünf meals

How often should we eat per day? Three, fünf or seven Times? The recommendations vary. The current Trend heißt clear: Less is more. The Adventist Health Study 2 with üabout 95 000 participants from the US and Canada shows that the metabolic benefits of long breaks between meals. Especially in energy density between meals, making use of ungüinexpensive felt and beat on the calorie account, to book.

Für all, the regelmäßig in between Heißhunger attacks and it does not create without a Snack along, Monika Bischoff following tip: Süßstrengths such as cakes and chocolate, rich in Protein replace. Ideal Snacks, for example, butter milk, yogurt, a St&uuml be;ck Käse, a boiled Egg or Nüsse.


"To create more movement a relevant calorie deficit, is für a Ümountain important very schwer", expert Erdmann says. Nevertheless, düit is not rfe movement when Removing unterschäappreciate, because you will have the muscles erhält. "And the more muscles I have, the more hömy Grundumsatz&quot, in turn, is;, ergäMonika Bischoff nzt.

For the optimization of the köthe body’s own combustion recommends the Ernämanagement consultant, zunäto train, first endurance and strength endurance: "Ideal is about Swimming." Für is an efficient cardiovascular exercise pulse with insulated Armoder Beinschlägene short in the HöHey. Or when Nordic Walking short Hopserläufe loading.

More movement in everyday life can für the calorie account. For example, consistently take the stairs instead of the Lift. Helpful für is a realistic Selbsteinschäup and the Motivation can be a Schrittzäcounter. Who on a day 8000 steps zurühas ckgelegt, with a view to the Zäcounter maybe even 2000 zusäadditional. Smartphones zäthe steps in pre-installed Apps fail to often automatically.

In order to maintain the achieved desired weight easier, you should try to be more muscles to build up, for example by targeted strength training. A study of the National Weight Control Registry at Brown Medical School shows: Ümountain important, have successfully removed, maintained their weight, especially if you täpossible frühstüpiebald, at least once a wöweekly in waves, less than ten hours per week in front of the TV spent and täresembled an hour of sports shoots.

Mental Training and Stressbewämanagement

The one to take if you have Stress. The other schlähe gt so on the stomach, you lose in turbulent times weight. Targeted Stressbewämanagement training can Slimming unterstüsupport. "Reduce Stress means, the mindfulness to stärken", consultant Monika Bischoff says. People who eat mindfully, eat slowly. Fast eaters eat, however, automatically more, until the Sättigungsgefühl uses. "A Säto achieve saturation, it takes 15 to 20 Minuten", the Ernäintroduction a scientist. It recommends that fast eaters, your meal by using a timer to 20 minutes to extend. "Only then you should get a second Serving."

Expert Erdmann is üassured that people to keep your weight-loss project with less Stress. Those who are relaxed at rest, less the Bedürfnis, sugar-rich eating Snacks or drinking alcohol.

Monodiäth how Kohlsuppendiät or fruit day?

"Für people in need of radical targets to take down, can a Kohlsuppendiät or a fruit day per week is quite reasonable. Otherwise, it is from ernäto halten&quot introduction the medical point of view none of it;, Erdmann says. Bischoff is concerned that these meals do not contain any proteins. The weight loss was not permanent and was hauptsäthe take in of water.

A Gemüsesuppe in the evening or as a Starter before a main meal is recommended from the expert’s point of view, however. According to a study from the journal Appetite, a soup in advance, the power consumption during anschlie&szlig evidenced, for example,;main dish can reduce.

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