But harmful to health? Study, the voice red meat free, enjoy with caution
A new study, there has been surprisingly a green light for red meat. Unlike in the past, the research posits, would have an excessive consumption no adverse health consequences. Now, however, showed that the results of the investigation are to be treated with caution.
The consumption of red and processed meat, is harmless to health, the absence of lower the risk for heart disease, cancer, or Diabetes at most slightly. That was the surprising result of an international study, which was published at the beginning of October. Thus, the researchers asked all of the previous studies, the warned expressly against excessive consumption and its consequences, in question.
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So cancer researchers in the world health organization (WHO) ranked already 2015 in a sensational report on red meat as a “likely carcinogen”, processed as “carcinogenic”. Since time immemorial, the German society for nutrition (DGE) criticized products in the country and the disproportionately high consumption of red meat and meat, which are suspected to promote colorectal cancer. And the German Diabetes-centre, declared two months ago that a low-meat diet the risk of Diabetes depression.
It all just scaremongering?
Already in 2016, the study Director Johnston with in question fell on trusted recommendations
No, rather, the new study, to be treated with caution – in particular, if you look at the resume of the canadian study Director Bradley C. Johnston more precisely, as the “New York Times” advises.
Because of the should have maintained in the past, in close contact with the meat and food industry in the United States. So Johnston was noticed as early as 2016, with a similar study performed the health consequences of sugar and as well as the current work in the scientific journal “Annals of Internal Medicine” appeared.
It turned out that the study was funded by the US-American “International Life Science Institute” (ILSI), a lobby organization supported by the Agricultural -, food – and pharmaceutical industry. It was founded almost 40 years ago by Alex Malaspina, the former CEO of Coca-Cola. Their members include the “New York Times, according to information” in addition to Coca-Cola, among others, McDonald’s, PepsiCo, and Cargill, one of the largest meat processors in the United States.
Long, WHO criticized that the ILSI would health recommendations by official Bodies is undermined, to represent the interests of their members.
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Johnston is justified: “Absolutely no relations more”
That Johnston concealed his past relationship with the ILSI in the current study, the New York Times sit up and take notice. In an Interview, she confronted the epidemiologists, so. This stated that he had no information, because he only need to state any potential conflicts of interest from the past three years would have been open. The study, in 2016-even in this time frame, law Johnston stating that he had received the money from the ILSI 2015. “So it is longer than three years. I have absolutely no relationship with them,” he told the New York Times.
“Medical journals to require disclosure, and it is always advisable to do this completely. Already alone from the reason not to get in trouble, if at the end something comes out that was concealed,” said Marion Nestle, Professor of nutrition Sciences at the University of New York, in relation to the “New York Times”.
More Nestle said: “Even if the ILSI has to do with the current study, nothing to – and there are, to my knowledge, no evidence that this is the case, is Johnston’s previous study, however, suggest that he makes a career thus, conventional nutrition recommendations to resist.”
Experts advise on existing food recommendations noted
In Germany, criticism of the study was according to, for example, the Karlsruhe, the Max Rubner-Institute, Federal research Institute for nutrition and food. The experts criticized, especially the methodology of the study: “A further point of criticism of the work is the assessment of the study quality on the basis of criteria to be applied for the assessment of clinical studies.”
The group sighted in databases, all the medical studies on the subject, which were published up to July 2018. The results of which they evaluated with an approach that included the methods, the quality of the data and consideration of factors influencing screw, and from it derived, how valid are the results. Diet effects were not, however, drug effects comparable to and require, therefore, more appropriate evaluation criteria, explained the Institute.
From the recommendation of Johnston and co., to change his eating habits, nothing keeps the Institute, however, nothing: “This conclusion is, in view of the prevalence of diet diseases is counterproductive and contradicts the recommendations of all national and international food institutions.”
Skeptical Stefan said Kabisch by the German Institute for nutritional research: “In the diet, much depends on much. Since it is not easy cause-and-effect connections.“
He is not advocating to change the current dietary recommendations. Instead, he sees in the submitted work not more than a pulse to perform more high quality studies the relationship between diet and health.
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FOCUS Online/Wochit Power-tuber helps against colds, but for some people, is ginger dangerous