Better and more reliable: this antibody Test the turn?

In may, the pharmaceutical company Roche plans to deliver a new Test for antibodies against the novel Coronavirus to healthcare facilities in Germany.

The agreed Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) and the company on Monday in the upper Bavarian Penzberg.

“The new Test is an important new milestone in the fight against the Virus,” said Spahn. Three million Tests should be in may be delivered, for the coming months, the five million Tests for extradition to Germany, were agreed.

Antibody Test as a new quality brand

“Anti-body tests help us to know who has made a Corona infection by. So, we gain insight into the actual outbreak to happen,” said Spahn.

As soon as evidence of a possible immunity was not available to previous infection, would win the Tests on even greater significance.

In order to expand the production capacity for the new serological Test Elecsys Anti-Sars-CoV-2, will Roche expand its biochemical facilities in Penzberg for around 170 million euros. The company has received an emergency approval from the US health authority FDA for the Test.

This is a speaker that for all countries, valid for the CE to accept labelling for products. The are, among other things, all countries within the European Union.

The Test has reported a sensitivity of 100 percent and a specificity of 99.8 percent. The former indicates the percentage of patients in which the infection is actually detected.

The latter says how many Healthy of the Test will also be recognized in fact as healthy. Christoph Franz, Chairman of Roche, said it was a completely “new quality level”.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The post “Brings Better and more reliable: this antibody Test the turn?” published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.