How was your weekend running?

I managed to miss all the TV coverage of the Great North Run by going out for a 20 mile long run yesterday morning, but I did at least contribute to it – in a way. Strava’s latest challenge was part of a global attempt to set the record for the most half marathons completed in one day. As it stands, with no doubt some more watches to be synched and miles uploaded, over 75,000 people ticked off a half. Not bad going, though I’m not sure I ever want to be on the startline of a race with that many people …

I’ve never done the Great North Run, though it’s clearly one of those bucket list races for a lot of people. Is it terrible to confess I’ve never quite understood why? Admittedly I did, as I say, miss the TV coverage, but it’s never struck me as a very pretty course. Is it all in the atmosphere? What am I missing? Set me right, by all means …

Meanwhile the rest of my weekend consisted of pacing duties at junior parkrun (received fee: two smarties and a malteser, this pacing lark isn’t very lucrative, is it?) before my long run, and my club track session on the Saturday.

And finally a reminder that if you aren’t already in our Strava club, please join – and even if you don’t want to join, click on that link to admire our fabulous new logo, as designed by our very own BTL regular, Trixiebacon.

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