This Guy Shares the Realistic Plan He Used to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle Naturally

In the latest video on his YouTube channel, fitness influencer Mario Tomic offers a brief breakdown of the progress he has made over the last 10 years, a period which has seen him lean down and pack on a total of 30 pounds of muscle.

He reveals that he weighed 200 pounds and was technically overweight at the start of his journey. “My primary goal was to get lean,” he says. “For the first 12 months I focused on dieting, higher protein intake, cardio, some weights, and I went from 200 to 154… I probably gained 5 or 6 pounds of muscle in that first year, even though that was not the intent.”

From there, over a period of three or four years, fitness became a much bigger priority in Tomic’s life as he discovered a passion for it and got much more serious about his training. “I built about 14 to 15 pounds of pure, lean muscle, so my lean body mass went from 131 to 145 pounds.”

Tomic’s initial goal was to achieve a lean, athletic physique, which he did, and he recalls being especially proud of how he looked at 162 pounds with 10 percent bodyfat. However, he then decided to see how far he could take his gains, and that is what he has been doing over the last four years. “In this entire period of time, despite consistency, despite working hard, working smart, pushing myself, all the experience, I’ve not gained more than 10 pounds of lean muscle,” he says. “I’m currently sitting at 172 pounds, 10 percent body fat, 5’10, and a lean body mass of 155 pounds.”

“I’m in the best shape of my life, I’m very happy with my physique, and of course I want to see how hard I can push it,” he continues, adding that he is aware muscle growth will be slow from this point onwards, and that he will need to be patient as his genetic limitations become more apparent.

“It’s not just about genetics,” he says. “It’s about how much muscle you can build naturally with your lifestyle. How many workouts a week can you realistically do on a consistent basis, your sleep, your stress levels, how big a priority this is in your life—all these factors combined with your genetics give you a more realistic view of what is actually attainable, and also maintainable, because we’re not bodybuilders.”

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