FYI, You’re Probably Eating Your McDonald’s Fries Wrong

The trouble with ketchup packets is figuring out where to put the ketchup. Do you put it on one of the flimsy brown napkins you get in your fast food bag? On top of the actual fast food bag? Into your mouth directly?? This is assuming that you’re not waiting until you get home to eat fast food off of a plate, of course.

Twitter user Today Years Old posted a photo that is a serious gamechanger for the ketchup debacle. The tweet says, “Did y’all know the flap on your fries box actually has a purpose?” and, well, check it out for yourself:

Did y’all know the flap on your fries box actually has a purpose?

Who would have thought!? The flap on the fry box becomes prime ketchup real estate.

Hoe. Lee. She. Ott!

Oh Wow… I had no idea💡 🤔

Very cool, thank you

I worked at McDonalds as a teen grill person, assistant Manager at 18 then Maintenance. Never even had a clue!

Others were more skeptical about french fry box hack.

To accidentally catapult ketchup all over your nice clean shirt?

It’s a silly idea. But, McDonald’s should thank you for the free advertising!

I think the high end of the box is meant to for the workers to be able to grab the top without burning your fingers w freshly hot fries out from the deep fryer (scolding hot oil). But this can of course double as a dip corner. Just my thought!

I decided to put it to the test, with a large order of fries from McDonald’s. As it turns out, you can indeed bend the flap back to make a nice little platform for your ketchup. Is this the “real” purpose for the design of the fry box? Who knows! It works, though!

You learn something new every day. Go forth and transform your McDonald’s fry boxes into a handy ketchup holder! Go!

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