Stay Fit: sports equipment for home

To Train in any weather, at any time: you can also in your own four Wä. With these small and großen Geräis your living room to the gym

Creative Üexercises: a sitting ball lässt as Sportgerät use

Sport is good – für the cardiovascular System, the muscles, the ­­Immune system, the mood. But sometimes läregelm&auml sst;ßige movement is not so easy to integrate into everyday life. If in the club, the Training begins, müthey put the kids to bed. After a long day in the Büro is the way to the gym pl&ouml appears;in addition unüberwindbar long. And the drizzle speaks against a round of Jogging in the Park.

Home work on the Köbody

This müit is boring, not necessarily out: Effectively, you can train at home. The advantages are für Carolin Heilmann, a sports scientist from MüMunich, on the Hand: "It saves time, and is very flexible."

Theoretically, the Sport can save at home there is still a lot of money. According to a study by the consulting firm Deloitte, in 2017 the Fitness­­the market in Germany is analyzed, the average ­Month post für a membership for the gym at ­about 43 Euro. With the time &shy to come;­some of what you are also für own Sportgeräte spend köcould. Whether such an investment tatsäactually h&auml pays off;depends, however, primarily from the Motivation. "With the purchase of a Gerätes, it is not done yet. It has to be nutzen&quot also;, so Heilmann.

Heart rate monitor and Personal Trainer

Beginners should your Pläne with the doctor to discuss – and not überschäetching: The circuit is required, but not üare berfordert. A heart rate monitor can help make the right Intensität to wämiss. Also, a separate training plan provides a good Möof urgency to get back in shape. Who is unsure of the Ausfüimplementation of the Üexercises, can about first a course &ndash book; in a club or community College. Or you can get initially Unterstüestablishment of a physical therapist or Personal Trainer. The costs vary, für an hour köcan 60 euros or more fädigit.


Because they are small and compact, mostly easy to store and usually do not cost too much. Even für Training on the way you are. Who häoften Geschätrip, the Geräte easy to take along. "This is a clear advantage gegenüber Großgeräsuch as a treadmill or a Crosstrainer, sometimes quite a lot of space brauchen", erläsports scientist Heilmann explained.

In spite of their low Größcan e you with Fitness Kleingeräten strength or motor skills and coordination föpromote. However, you should be üabout the Üexercises exactly ­inform. Heilmann: "The movements müshot ­clean ausgefübe granted to lay claim to the muscles and to avoid injuries."

  • Gymnastics tape

The Bäof rubber in various Widths, and Stästrengthen köcan für can be used almost all the muscle groups. "An exercise band is like a power station in the Miniformat", Heilmann says. Provided you use it correctly. Therefore, the exact Aus­füimplementation of the Üexercises.

So you should keep the tape always under tension and ­ruck­similar movements are to be avoided – you erhöthe risk of injury. Suggestions für the various Üexercises provide, among other things, some health insurance companies. Gymnastikbäcosts from fünf Euro.

  • Swing dumbbells

The short barbells with a loop. By your Füposition, react to the movements with lighter Zeitverzödelay. The muscles in &Uuml are;exercises für shoulders, arms, Rücover, belly, and legs required extra. If you take the dumbbells when walking, the training effect verstäTurks.

The weight varies from about 500 grams to 1.5 kilograms per Stück. Also, the price fäfrom llt different: between 10 and less than 100 euros. Güconvenient it comes with a brand Eigenbau: two empty bottles with Sand or water fücases. From the snap off three fingers leave a wide space. Verschließs and get started.

  • Therapy centrifugal

Whether centrifugal, wobble Board or Balance Pad: The tilting leagues Geräte come from the Reha-Sport. They are well suited für the fall prevention and the Training of the lower Musku­latur.

Who is initially uncertain: In the case of the Balanceüexercises with one Hand on a wall or a table abstüsupport. Cost: 30 to 90 Euro.


Laufbämore, Crosstrainer or Fahrräthe köendurance training can draußen replace. Güinexpensive sie&nbsp are; but not – Fehlkäufe, therefore, better to avoid."You should &uuml in advance;superior, which persöpersonal training goal you want to achieve and how to dafür the Gerät home use möchte", erklärt Dr. Florian cross Pointner, head of the Präventionsforschungszen­strand of the Fakultät für Sport and health Sciences at the Technical Universität MüMunich.

He recommends a ausfüdangerous advice in the specialist trade: "The support or the comfort lässt to assess only when you Try it out." Should the ­­Gerät best where you like to aufhält. Cross Pointner: "The basement is not a good place. There, you can forget it pretty easily."

  • Cross-Trainer

Be trained to arms, torso and legs; the Inten­sität lässt through speed and resistance to regulate. "Positive für Anfäthe Vikings are the gefürigidity ­Movement and the low Verletzungsgefahr", cross Pointner says. However, one should make sure that Körpergröße and Gerätemaße fit together and Training in an upright position möresembled is. Elliptical machines cost from about 800 Euro.

  • Bicycle Ergometer

If you want to train the stamina and the legs, thus to his costs. Who problems with Rücover, a recumbent wämiss. Important when the living-room Bicycle, a continuous watt setting. So läthe Belastungsintensit&auml sst;t make sense to regulate. Außbesides, the Ger&auml should;t to the Körpergröße customizable. A Ergo­meters will cost from 500, a recumbent bike, for 1000 Euro.

  • Treadmill

The Geräte the Run and Go close in nature, you föpromote endurance and coordination. Important: The tape should be well gedäwanting as well as sufficiently long and not too loud – the nerves and the neighbour’s sake. Cost: starting at about 800 euros.

Three tips fürs Training

1. Fixed times, can help keep it going. Ideally three Times per week with a day break in between. 

2. You meet once per week for Training außhe house, about to Swim in. This provides für variety.

3. Please do not üexaggerate. A muscle soreness in the beginning is normal. Pain it is not.

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