Wheat is extremely bred, high – Protein what makes him a high-risk food

Healthier it is, no bread and other gluten-containing food to eat, the more and more people believe. Often ridiculed is. However, for wheat, waiver, there is evidence of even more medical reasons than celiac disease, as new studies show. FOCUS Online spoke with a scientist who conducts research to this area.

Almost everyone now knows someone who eats gluten free, so wheat and some other cereals, or eating, maybe even more. But wheat provides a Wealth of valuable nutrients and is used as raw material for bread and pastries, the most important staple food. In the world of wheat increases the consumption of solid, even in countries that were once traditionally made with rice, such as China and India. Never before has so much wheat was consumed as it is today.

Wheat is a food with high high risk potential

“In this context, intolerances and certain diseases, however, because wheat is the food, which is perhaps by far the most important Trigger for these problems,” explains Detlef Schuppan, Director of the Institute for Translational immunology, University medical center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, a Professor at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA.

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The gastroenterologist carried out on this subject numerous scientific studies and crucial discoveries made, and with its research work on celiac disease, as well as his discovery of other wheat related diseases, fundamental research, and international prizes won.

Now he has a wheat issue in a book by lights.


Wheat is extremely high-bred – with dramatic consequences

That wheat, the will of the people since thousands of years is grown and eaten, is fraught with risks to health, appears, first, time, incomprehensible. “Wheat was in front of 5,000 in Europe years ago, only a small part of the dining plan, comparable today with millet”, clarifies the scientist. Since then, wheat has been bred constantly, every couple of years are the only ones grown in Germany, five to ten primary wheat varieties new.

In this context, the set of chromosomes of the Urweizens, the Einkorn was grown by a double to six times with more than 103.000 genes. “This is connected with a corresponding number of proteins and the immune system can be sensitive,” says Schuppan the reason why wheat can trigger many ailments and diseases can be improved. For comparison: The human has about 23,000 genes; Millet, potatoes, Maize and rice between 19,000 and 39.000.

Complaints by wheat – distinguish between intolerance and inflammation

It is important to define the problem by wheat proteins clearly inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The inflammatory sensitivities have clinical significance. Many people confuse it with intolerance, which have no disease value: “incompatibilities means to have bloating, some diarrhea,” explains the expert, the more harmless complaints. The trigger for this rather harmless intolerance, three different ingredients of wheat and other cereals are:

1. FODMAPs which stands for fermentable Oligo-, Di-, monosaccharides and polyols which are certain carbohydrates found in cereals, fruits and vegetables. However, FODMAPs are very important for a healthy intestinal flora, are, so to speak, the food for the favorable intestinal bacteria. “A waiver of FODMAPs is not possible, harm the intestines and thus the health,” warns the expert. Because the intestine is the largest immune system of the body.

2. Fructose

3. Glucose

In the case of the problems caused by FODMAPs, fructose and glucose it takes to handle the incompatibilities that do not shorten in any case, the life, sums up Detlef Schuppan again. It always depends on the dose of the causative ingredients, in larger quantities, they result in the most people to the harmless digestive problems.

Four different forms of inflammation due to wheat

Quite differently, the inflammatory disease, the sensitivities, which can be caused by grains such as wheat or favour is. These are four different, the most famous is below

1. Coeliac disease if Gluten makes you sick

The intolerance of Gluten, the Gluten in wheat and other grains such as spelt, rye, Emmer is now well researched. Detlef Schuppan has, for example, transglutaminase identifies a specific the body’s own enzyme that plays the major role: the Tissue. This enzyme makes Gluten, so to speak, “sharp”, i.e., immunologically effective, this is the only way the protein triggers inflammation.

With a simple blood test for antibodies against this enzyme, the Schuppan with a Team that has developed, can be celiac safe and virtually 100% diagnose. The autoimmune disease is hereditary, about a third of the population has the predisposition, but only a 30th of the weight of them becomes ill.

Pill for celiac disease is already tested on patients

Worldwide, around one percent of the population is affected, also in Asia. The symptoms are often nonspecific, but nearly always it comes to a degradation of the intestinal villi, which results in that nutrients can be absorbed. The consequences can be problems massive digestion, diarrhoea and thus nutrient deficiency. The glands dramatic consequences of diseases ranging from anaemia to other autoimmune (such as rheumatoid and thyroid conditions), as well as cancer, such as the otherwise rare small intestinal tumors and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Absolutely gluten-free food is the basis of therapy for celiac disease, but despite a strict diet, some patients continue to have problems. Therefore, currently, drugs are being developed. Particularly promising is the development of a pill that inhibits this Transglutaminase is so the researchers. “The clinical study with the participation of 18 European centres is almost completed and there is hope that this drug helps,” he says of the current research.

2. Classic Wheat Allergy

Even more rarely, wheat Allergy, an Allergy of Immediate type is. The reaction occurs a few minutes after contact with wheat. The symptoms are pain, redness, swelling, shortness of breath, itching, but also the belly. Allergy tests to secure the diagnosis, in the future wheat needs to be definitely avoided. Are affected relatively few people, the expert estimated that 0.2 percent of the population. However, the profession of Baker is affected much more often (Baker’s asthma).

3. Atypical grain allergies are often the cause of the “irritable bowel syndrome”

Significantly more likely to be a previously unknown variant of a wheat Allergy, the so-called atypical, which was discovered by Detlef Schuppan and colleagues. “Around 30 percent of irritable bowel patients have, therefore, probably atypical of grain Allergy, according to the scientists. Those Affected often suffer from daily digestive problems, and is comparable with a permanent stomach-intestinal infection:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea and/or constipation, or both alternately
  • Feeling that the bowel is never really empty

Often the Affected are not taken seriously, and more or less as a hypochondriac stamped, “as with the classical laboratory methods and endoscopy, no cause was found,” explains Detlef Schuppan. The laboratory values are usually in the procedure, the gastro – and colonoscopy not bring about any pathological changes to days.

However, because so many people have a supposed irritable bowel-complaints, and they make up about 30 percent of the patients in the gastroenterological practice is currently in the practical implementation of new findings in the foreground.

New Test for atypical forms of wheat Allergy

“Many report that during fasting your symptoms, that’s why we test switched in patients in the diet,” says the expert. Our hypoallergenic diet, the patients received initially three days of only rice or potatoes, water, olive oil and a little salt. Within this period, the complaints in two thirds of the patients decreased significantly. Therefore, a food Problem is a real one.

To prove this precisely and to identify the triggering food, put Detlef Schuppan, together with Professor Annette Fritscher-Ravens, London, a new method of magnifying endoscopy. In this case, the endoscope is passed through the esophagus and the stomach is passed to the small intestine. There, the Doctors applied to and to tiny amounts of different, particularly more common food ingredients (wheat, milk, soy, and yeast), are under suspicion, complaints, trigger.

Then the doctors observed the skin reaction of the small bowel mucosa. With the help of magnifying endoscopy, the changes could then see exactly. Two-thirds of the patients responded within seconds with a visible inflammation and intestinal damage as in the case of a severe Allergy: the majority, 60 percent, wheat (20 percent yeast, 5 to 10 per cent on milk and soy).

Complaints far more than half of

Wheat is by far in the first place, is explained with the fact that wheat has the most complex genome and, thus, made up of many different proteins is composed, as known, the triggers for allergies. The diagnosis is atypical wheat Allergy, because the complaints don’t come as massive, and in a timely manner, as in the classic Allergy, but often only after hours, days, and exactly when those symptoms previously known as irritable bowel complaints were considered. They do not affect the quality of life massively, because of the torment you constantly, without a cause could be found.

In the case of atypical forms of wheat Allergy, the following applies: wheat avoid, the discomfort in the average, go back three-quarters, presents Detlef Schuppan in view. This is more than all previous therapies for irritable bowel create. Also in the case of irritable bowel often recommended FODMAP diet would only work in the short term. It excludes some of the Main allergens, but no Patient could suffer this strict diet for more than four weeks without the intestinal Microbiome, because FODMAPS for a healthy intestinal Microbiome irreplaceable.

4. ATI sensitivity – risky wheat proteins, but not Gluten

Apart from celiac disease and allergies, it had to be, however, another inflammatory disease group by wheat proteins, so Detlef Schuppan suspected. There were always patients with complaints that were outside of the intestine and around the joints affected – gluten-poor diet, the discomfort improved. Proven before, however, was not celiac and not an Allergy.

The scientist and his colleagues at Harvard University were therefore looking for different gluten proteins, which could trigger inflammation, but remained unsuccessful. In the studies they found, however, other wheat proteins, the ATIs (Amylase Trypsin inhibitors) that promote inflammations.

Important: wheat contains about 10 percent protein.

  • 85 percent of the gluten proteins,
  • 15 percent of non-gluten proteins, of which 20 percent ATI
  • so 3 percent of the total wheat protein are ATIs.

What types of grain how much ATIs are the subject of numerous studies is included at the moment, because of the content of these non-gluten proteins can vary greatly. It is still unknown which varieties contain much, and what little of it. It is certain, however, that ATIs are found in all grains that contain Gluten.

ATIs can trigger inflammation and support by activating the intestinal Receptor (TLR4) on inflammatory cells and this in order to arm the make. The mobilized inflammatory cells chronically-support inflammatory bowel disease. You leave but also the intestine, Hiking through the bloodstream to other organs and can increase in the body a variety of inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders and auto-immune diseases:

  • Type 2 Diabetes,
  • Fatty liver, hepatitis,
  • inflammatory liver and lung fibrosis
  • rheumatoid Arthritis,
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Lupus erythematosus,
  • Pollen allergies and food allergies

“Each of these diseases has improved significantly under the ATI poor diet or the course of the disease was mild, the our Untersuchungen&quot show;, the expert says. The incidence of ATI-sensitivity there is for the time being only estimates. Based on the new findings, i.e. at least 15 percent of the population could, however, believed to benefit all patients with the listed diseases, a wheat – reduced diet. “Affected, so anyone who has a chronic disease, you should try, therefore, easy to time, on at least two weeks of Gluten and to avoid in order ATIs, by eliminating all obvious sources of Gluten (bread, pasta, Pizza, etc.), because it depends on the dose; hidden quantities, e.g., some flour in a sauce, it must be here,“ says Detlef Schuppan. Five clinical studies to the individual diseases to examine this effect in patients in a systematic and controlled run currently .

Gluten-poor diet is always worth a try…

Gluten-free or gluten-poor diet could be not only for celiac patients, these patients cannot tolerate, however, to be a mote of flour. Finally, each of the suspects could test to have a wheat-related illness or intolerance, a gluten-free diet, because it also ATIs are reduced.

While you should not go ahead, in principle, always an investigation by a specialist. However, especially if the suspicion of inflammatory disease, which can not be safely diagnose – for example, fibromyalgia, seronegative rheumatic diseases, or General complaints, the laboratory chemical not prove or explain – is the wheat free diet is always worth a try. The expert has seen in patients already dramatic improvements by a largely wheat-free diet. The evidence is clear.

and can significant improvements to bring

The range of gluten-free products is now huge, malnutrition threatens so, “this diet is wholesome and does not harm”, it soothes the expert. The condition does not improve after two to four weeks you can return to the previous eating habits.

Conclusion: the proteins of wheat and some other related grains can complaints and diseases. The most well known is celiac disease. This massive gluten intolerance, however, affects only one percent of the population. In addition to the classic wheat Allergy plays an even smaller role.

Two newly discovered diseases in connection with cereal proteins, however, have a much higher frequency, such as the atypical Allergy of wheat, with around five percent, the ATI-sensitivity with up to 15 percent. Especially irritable bowel syndrome patients have often, in reality, an atypical wheat Allergy.

All of these patients benefit from Gluten withdrawal, because glutenarm and gluten-free means that less or no ATIs or atypical of all genes are included. It would not be in the light of these new findings about the health risks of wheat and other gluten-containing grains, then for each one of us makes sense to at least eat a bit less of it?

Of General recommendations to keep the expert back, however, he reveals that in his environment, in the meantime, almost every abandoned of its grain consumption, or at least restricted.