This Simple Move Will Help You Absolutely Smash Your Biceps

Supersetting your biceps curls with more biceps curls probably isn’t your M.O., but that may change after trying this smart setup from trainer Paul Sklar, C.S.C.S.

For the first biceps curls, Sklar performs hammer curls, which emphasize the largest of the three biceps muscles, the brachialis. The key here is that he lowers the weights to barely touch the front of his thighs, rather than fully extending his elbows straight down to his sides.

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This achieves to things: First, it keeps tension in his biceps at all times for greater growth-triggering stress to the muscles. Second, it moves his center of gravity forward, challenging his core and back to keep his torso tall. While it’s common to think of biceps curls as an exercise in pure isolation, to make the elbow the only moving joint, maintaining total-body tension and stability is mandatory.

For the second round of curls, Skaler goes with heavy band curls using a supinated grip. The change in grip position allows him to focus on the biceps brachii, which is more superficial (sits closer to the skin) and, when tensed up, makes your arm look like it has swallowed a baseball.

At the bottom of each rep here, Sklar recommends contracting your triceps to keep tension into the biceps so that, again, you’re not completely resting between reps.

Give it a go: Perform 10 hammer curls, then 5 heavy band curls. Sklar does it here as a finisher, but if you wanted to try to go for sets, we’d recommend a 1:2 work-to-rest ratio. The superset takes Sklar 45 seconds, so try resting for 90 between supersets.

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