Kendall Jenner Uses THIS App To Get Her Amazing Abs

It’s no secret that Kendall Jenner has an amazing body. But, as she points out in a new post on her website and app, she works hard to stay in top shape—especially when it comes to her abs.

“My abs are my favourite thing to work out,” she says. “I love it when my trainer, Gunnar Peterson, kills my abs. The next day, it hurts to even laugh. That’s how I know I’m doing the exercises right!”

Despite the whole personal trainer thing, Kendall says she struggles to find time to work her abs like everyone else. That’s why she recommends this trick: “Sometimes when I’m watching TV, I think to myself, ‘I should be doing crunches and sit-ups right now.’ Then I get off the couch and do it,” she says.

If you don’t have the budget for hiring a personal trainer and like to give your abs a break during TV time (no judgment), Kendall recommends trying out an app called Instant Abs Trainer, which she says helps her stay motivated. The app is free and offers up more than 100 ab exercises and workouts. It also comes with videos, so you can actually see someone demonstrate the moves you’re supposed to be doing.

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This article originally appeared on Women’s Health.

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