Effective tips to ensure you aren’t breaking your fitness habits

Usually around festivals, most people may suffer from the "all or nothing" mindset – either they work out and eat healthy 24/7, or blame themselves after indulging a little over the week and lose their momentum

By Pooja Naik

With the festivities just behind us, it’s common for one to indulge in sweets for a few more days and then wonder if giving into temptations may sabotage our health goals.

During festivals, many people may suffer from the “all or nothing” mindset – either they work out and eat healthy 24/7, or blame themselves after indulging a little over the week and lose their momentum.

Looking at health in such a rigid manner may be the number one culprit behind failure to continue with healthy habits during festivals or special occasions. This festive season, let go of the fears you may have around certain foods and about not hitting a one-hour workout at the gym.

Here are some tips to stay on course with your routine

Eat when you’re hungry, not when it’s available

Most people may give in to sweets and namkeens as and when it’s offered to them. The question to ask oneself is, “Am I really hungry right now?” If not, then eat at the right time so that you don’t overindulge. Become mindful of the difference between actual hunger and mindless snacking.

Exercise, even if it’s just for 15minutes

“Go big or go home” is a common misconception that many people have when it comes to fitness. Engaging in any activity that you enjoy, whether it’s walking, HIIT or strength training, can be good for you. All you need is 15-20 minutes to keep the rhythm going. It’s better to move your body than not move it at all. While we’re aware that dancing during a Diwali party can add to your step count, dedicating a little time to exercise in the morning can allow you to enjoy the festival without berating yourself throughout the day.

Healthier options for the big sweet tooth

It would be unfair to ask people to avoid sweets altogether. More people today have become health conscious and can find healthy alternatives from stores or even prepare them at home. Sweets made with dates, stevia, and fruits are an excellent substitute for refined sugar. When combined with nuts and seeds, a power-packed sweet bar can satisfy your cravings.

Drink enough water

One of the simplest ways to stay hydrated is to drink more water while you’re out at a party. After drinking alcohol, it’s even more critical as not having water can make you dehydrated and give you a bad hangover. Staying hydrated can not only keep you alert and energised, but it will also help you from giving into unnecessary snacking.

We don’t need to put a full stop to our healthy habits; the only trick here is to scale it down when we’re running short on time. Sticking to your fitness routine need not be daunting if you allow yourself to sync it with the amount of time and your ability to get it done. We believe that small habits such as drinking enough water, getting your steps in, choosing healthy alternatives are simple yet effective ways to stay on track this festive season.

The author is health psychologist and habit expert – Cult Transform


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