20 brands in the Eco-Test: organic Egg from discounters by falls due to Dioxin – Video

The Label Bio promises the better eggs? Not always, found out the German consumer magazine “Ökotest”. The Tester took 20 eggs-varieties under the magnifying glass and checked to pollutants and looked at the attitude of the hens. Only four products the testers recommend.

Bio-, ground – or-free-range – eggs-with the purchase of the consumer spoilt for choice. The consumer magazine Ökotest has now tested 20 eggs from organic and conventional origin for contaminants, quality, and attitude conditions. The eggs were examined in the laboratory for Salmonella, the insecticide Fipronil, and dioxins. The good news is that 19 out of 20 did not contain any substances of concern. Only in the case of the Aldi-eggs “GutBio 6 fresh organic eggs” and found the Tester light Dioxin traces.

In the case of eggs with a Note "very gut" the chickens have a lot of outlet and variety

Only four products recommend the Ökotester. With the touch of one you rated the “Origin-eggs” from Alnatura. These were eggs of breeds that need less and less to be fattened. “Very good” cut, the “brother chick eggs” by Alnatura and the eggs of the Initiative, “chicken & Rooster“ by Bioland. Both generators have male Chicks alive and to make sure that the chickens have sufficient place.

In addition, the animals can be cleaned in sand baths, their Feathers have natural light and sufficient outlet for Scratching. The Egg here costs between 45 and 55 cents.

The organic eggs from Haehnlein only received the grade “good”, because the producers hold more than 14 pullets per square meter. This is according to the German animal protection Association to little.


Bad grades due to Dioxin and little space

The Test showed that even organic eggs bad attitude can get notes. The “GutBio 6 fresh organic eggs” of Aldi Nord for 27 cents, and the “Fresh organic eggs” of Real for 31 cents each received a rating of “poor”. In the case of the Aldi-eggs, Dioxin traces were decisive. "You will recoup the legal limit for dioxins to more than 50 percent aus", writes Ökotest. In the case of Real eggs, there were, among other deductions, because the hens have enough space.

In the case of the conventional eggs, the “Pointed &amp cuts; Jack”-free-range eggs from Rewe with a grade of “satisfactory” at best. The eggs cost 29 cents per piece. Here, too, the male Chicks are dropped alive, but the hens have enough space. The eggs from the Floor of Lidl, Aldi Süd and Aldi Nord were, however, a grade of “poor”. Here, too, it was a lack of space, lack of sand baths, and the green spout. These austerity measures show the price. The Egg costs only twelve cents.

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